Tools Archives - Luca Mignardi VFX Artist Thu, 08 Feb 2024 09:21:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 InverseSTMap Thu, 11 Dec 2014 11:31:27 +0000 The post InverseSTMap appeared first on Luca Mignardi.


A simple and fast solution to Unwarp to UV space your CG render.

The Gizmo use a simple PositionToPoint node to redistribute each pixel in his UV space position. Works as the nuke default STMap but does exactly the opposite.

It can be used in many different ways, for example to know where to draw a roto in uv space, to be then distorted via STMap to mask a particular area of your CG render.

11-12-2014 – v1.0 – First Release Download

Or open lm_InverseSTMap_v1.0 in new Tab, copy all text and paste in your Nuke nodegraph.
Also available on Nukepedia

The post InverseSTMap appeared first on Luca Mignardi.

RealCamShake Sun, 26 Jan 2014 16:06:30 +0000 The post RealCamShake appeared first on Luca Mignardi.


Real Camera Shake Samples (Steady, Walk and Explosion). Scan recorded with a camera rig and 3D tracked. Organized into this gizmo to works in 2D and 3D mode.

For this first release few samples available:
Steady, Walk, Explosions
You can also export when you are happy with your setting (because can be quite heavy).

26-01-2013 – v0.1 – Start Beta Release Download

Or open in_RealCamShake_v0.1 in new Tab, copy all text and paste in your Nuke nodegraph.
Or download from Nukepedia

The post RealCamShake appeared first on Luca Mignardi.

Distrack Sun, 03 Nov 2013 16:16:04 +0000 The post Distrack appeared first on Luca Mignardi.


lm_Distrack converts your Tracker, computed on the original scan (distorted), into a new one with Undistorted tracks. Download

Simply connect your Tracker node and your LensDistorsion node and hit Generate. This node automatically copy the tracker in a new one, and each keyframe of each track will come with the new undistort position. The core of this node is fully python based.


01-01-2013 – v1.1 – Now Works also with Tracker4 class Download
Or open lm_Distrack_v1.1 in new Tab, copy all and paste in your nodegraph

28-10-2013 – v1.0 – Start Release

Knowing issue:
– If the track goes over the format boundaries it will return wrong track, outside that area the lensdistorsion math doesn’t work because tends to infinity, but next version will comes with an overscan choise to give you a bit of more flexibility.

Next version will come with:
– Undistort/distort pulldown choise
– UVmap input as lens distorsion information


Inside you can also find an example nuke script.
Note that this is a beta version, so comments are really welcome.


(For any questions, comments or suggestions please email

The post Distrack appeared first on Luca Mignardi.

3dMirror Tue, 10 Jan 2012 16:34:12 +0000 The post 3dMirror appeared first on Luca Mignardi.


lm_3dMirror produce reflections generating a specular copy of the main Nuke Camera respect to one plane (Mirror surface). It also have fresnel control of the reflections. Download

03-11-2013 – v1.2 – Updated version Download
Or open lm_3dMirror_v1.2 in new Tab, copy all and paste in your nodegraph

30-10-2013 – v1.2 – Update – Knowing issues:
– Obstructing object have to be divided from the main scene.
– In particular situation of rotation of the camera and cardmirror the maths in broken.

24-02-2013 – v1.1 – Update – Knowing issues:
– Obstructing object have to be divided from the main scene.
– Camera and CardMirror have to be connected directly to in_3dMirror node without any points (FIXED).
– CardMirror and Camera need to have the same name of the example script (FIXED).
– In particular situation of rotation of the camera and cardmirror the maths in broken.

26-06-2012 – v1.0 – Start Release:
– Obstructing object have to be divided from the main scene.
– Internal connection lost when detached 3d element, use the example script for start.


(For any questions, comments or suggestions please email

The post 3dMirror appeared first on Luca Mignardi.
