A collection of nuke python commands that can be used as they are, or as a reference when writing your own code.
The main purpose of this page is to help compositors that already know python, but don’t code all day, to speed up their writing. If you need proper guidance into the world of Python in Nuke the Foundry has a Python Developers Guide
For a more complete list of functions and modules that Nuke can interpret and execute, please refer to the Nuke Python API (Application Programming Interface).
Set project script frame range:
nuke.root()['first_frame'].setValue(1001) nuke.root()['last_frame'].setValue(1100)
Set “Missing frames” to nearest on all selected Read and DeepRead nodes:
for n in nuke.selectedNodes(): if n.Class() == 'Read' or n.Class() == 'DeepRead': n['on_error'].setValue(3)
Set frame range for all selected read nodes:
first = 1001 last = 1062 for n in nuke.selectedNodes('Read'): n['first'].setValue(first) n['last'].setValue(last) n['origfirst'].setValue(first) n['origlast'].setValue(last) for n in nuke.selectedNodes('DeepRead'): n['first'].setValue(first) n['last'].setValue(last) n['origfirst'].setValue(first) n['origlast'].setValue(last)
Disable “postage stamps” on all nodes:
for a in nuke.allNodes(): try: a['postage_stamp'].setValue(0) except: pass
Replace part of your file path in the selected Read nodes:
sn = nuke.selectedNodes() for n in sn: path = n.knob('file').value() new_path = path.replace('%04d.exr','lt.%04d.exr') n.knob('file').setValue(new_path)
Check if a node exist:
if nuke.toNode(name) is not None: exists=True #Or use "nuke.exists(name_of_node)"
Print inputs dependencies of a selected node:
for a in nuke.selectedNode().dependencies(): print a.name()
Print inputs dependent of a selected node:
for a in nuke.selectedNode().dependent(): print a.name()
Import all nodes from another script:
Remove all animation from a selected nodes:
for a in nuke.selectedNode().knobs(): nuke.selectedNode()[a].clearAnimated()
Progress bar with sub-process:
import time import nuke frames = 10 iterations = 10 task1 = nuke.ProgressTask("Frame") task2 = nuke.ProgressTask("Iteration") for f in range(frames): if task1.isCancelled(): break percent1 = int(100*(float(f) / (frames-1))) task1.setProgress(percent1) task1.setMessage("Frame %s of %d" % (f, frames)) time.sleep(0.2) for i in range(iterations): if task2.isCancelled(): break percent2 = int(100*(float(i) / (iterations-1))) task2.setProgress(percent2) task2.setMessage("Iterations %s of %d" % (i, iterations)) time.sleep(0.1) del task1, task2
Copy selected node with connections:
node = nuke.selectedNode() #clean selection for n in nuke.selectedNodes(): n.setSelected(False) #copy node.setSelected(True) nuke.nodeCopy("%clipboard%") node.setSelected(False) #paste copyNode = nuke.nodePaste("%clipboard%") copyNode.setSelected(False) nuke.show(copyNode) #connection for i in range(node.inputs()): copyNode.setInput(i, node.input(i)) #positions copyNode['xpos'].setValue(node.xpos()+25) copyNode['ypos'].setValue(node.ypos()+25)
Disable heavy nodes like – Defocus, VectorBlur, Convolve, oflow, TVIscale:
for s in nuke.allNodes(): classTypes = ['Defocus' , 'VectorBlur', 'Convolve', 'oflow', 'TVIscale'] for n in classTypes: if n in s.Class(): s['disable'].setValue(1)
Change all Merge nodes with “mask” operation mask in bbox “intersection” and ones with “stensil” in bbox “B”:
n = nuke.allNodes() for i in n: if i.Class() == "Merge2": if i.knob("operation").value() == "mask": i.knob("bbox").setValue("intersection") elif i.knob("operation").value() == "stencil": i.knob("bbox").setValue("B") else: pass
Set all the merges to bbox B:
for n in nuke.allNodes('Merge2'): n['bbox'].setValue("B")
Disconnect all viewers at the start (To add on your Menu.py):
def disconnectViewers(): nuke.selectAll() nuke.invertSelection() for n in nuke.allNodes(): if n.Class() == "Viewer": n['selected'].setValue(True) nuke.extractSelected() nuke.addOnScriptLoad(disconnectViewers)
Change to ‘hold’ instead of ‘black’ in all Read Nodes(for both before and after):
for n in nuke.selectedNodes('Read'): n['before'].setValue(0) n['after'].setValue(0)
Python inside “Text” node Section
Return result of (Current frame – 1000):
[python {nuke.frame()-1000}]